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Location: 32:07N The port covers an area of about 4,400,000 m2 . PRE ARRIVAL INFORMATION ETA's: Notice of ETA should be sent 24 hours prior to arrival. Communications: Radio: VHF: Benghazi Port Radio, Ch 16. General notices & regulations: The following are extracts from the harbour regulations: All power driven vessels berthed either alongside or end on at Rasif Giuliana. Cathedral mole or ltalia mole are to have power available during harbour working hours. It is forbidden to discharge overboard, either in the harbour or in the roadstead, any burning material, ashes or rubbish of any kind. The loading and discharging of inflammable material and explosives must be carried out in accordance with the directions of the Harbour Master. Vessels arriving with a dangerous cargo on board must anchor in the roadstead; the port authorities will instruct them where to berth. Vessels which burn fuel oil must clean their bilges before arriving in the roadstead or the harbour. Fuel oil must not be embarked without permission from the Harbour Master. NAVIGATION Sea buoys, fairways and channels: There are 2 approaches as follows: Approaching from SW: Keep from 2-3nm offshore, to avoid the rocky shoals which lie SW of the port. Approaching from N: Make for the land NE of the port, especially in thick weather or with an offshore wind, as there are better landmarks here than SW, and there are no dangers lying more than 2.Snm offshore. A lightbuoy (safe water) is moored 4nm WSW of Benghazi light structure (32”07.4'N 020°03.7'E). The white sector (064.75°-067.25') of a direction light, situated 1 nm WSW of the same light structure, leads past the lightbuoy and through the harbour entrance between the N extremity of W breakwater and N breakwater. Lights are exhibited from each side of the entrance. The entrance has been dredged to 1 3.5m. Pilot: Compulsory. Pilot boards vessels approx 1mm off the harbour entrance, between 0700-2000hrs. Anchorages: Anchorage may be obtained in the roads, Wand N of the port, but strong W winds cause a very heavy sea which renders the anchorage. Dangerous: during the winter it is seldom tenable An obstruction lies 2.Snm W of Ra's Sidi Khuraybish. The anchorage area for vessels awaiting a berth lies between the parallels of 32°07'N and 32°11'N and between the meridians 019°56'E and 019°59.2'E. All vessels must anchor as instructed by the port authority, and must not shift berth except on the instruction of the port authority. Tidal range and flow: Range 0.6m. Dock density; 1026. Weather: Prevailing winds: N'ly. Principal navigation aids: Benghazi Light (conspicuous brown water tower, 22m in height), standing in a cemetery 0.15nm SE of Ra's Sidi Khuraybish. Charts: 3352. Admiralty Pilot NP49. Tugs: Available.
GENERAL Repairs: Available. Bunkers/ water/ stores: Fresh wafer Available. Bunkering: Limited quantities are available. Medical facilities : Medical facilities are available in the town. Transport: Nearest airport. Benina 24km. Public holidays; Mar 8, May 25, Jun 11, Jul 23, Sep 1, Oct 7, El Mouled Eli Nabawi, Aid el Fitr, Aid el Adha, Higri New Year, Friday is a weekly port holiday, work being performed but at overtime rates. Working hours: Normally 0800-l200hrs and I300- l700hrs. Overtime 2000. 2400hrs, 0l00-O700hrs. Developments: Extensive developments are taking place, with an additional 3,000 m of quay to be provided, as well as the necessary back-up facilities. ADDRESSES Port Authority Benghazi Port Authority, General Ports & Lights Auth, Benghazi Port Office, Benghazi, Libya. Tel: +218 61 92017 Port Agent Shahat Shipping Co, P0 Box 2973 , Omar Muktar Street , Benghazi , Libya . Tel: +218 61 908 1465, Fax: +218 61 909 2025, Telex: 40076 SHAHAT LY. Contact: Mr Suliman Eminina, Shipping Advisor: Mr A Gargoum, email: Bunkerer Bominflot SA, Goya 59 Piso 2, E-28001 Madrid , Spain . Tel: +34 91 576 6377, Fax: +34 91 431 0991, email., Telex: 49212. Contact: Mr O Eiper, Bunker Manager: Mr P Voss, Managing Director